

There is a Love that doesn’t play by the world’s rules. It is a Love that colors outside the lines. This Love overcomes the limits we put on ourselves. This Love is a person, Jesus Christ. When He gets a hold of our lives, He unchains us from bondage, He sets us free to love as He did, to serve without borders, and find the greatest joy of all by laying our lives down that others may live
(1 John 3:16-18). I know this page is supposed to be about me. But I am not what any of this is about.


I don’t say that to be humble. I say that because He is the treasure of greatest worth, the Light of the world, the Savior, the Miracle of grace to our hearts, the Glorious One, the Majestic King of Heaven and earth. To SHOUT His praise for the invasion of His love in our hearts is what I hope you will feel when you see this bio. I hope you feel the passion with which He loves you (whoever you may be). I hope you will see the way in which He tells you “You matter to me!” “I died for you to show you how much you matter to me!” Look to Christ and He will set you free by His love (John 3:16; Romans 5:6-8)!

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I am a sinner saved by God’s extravagant grace, a husband, dad, son, friend… to be honest, there is nothing special about me that is not also special about you. I am unique, but so are you. We are all beautiful because we were made by God, and at the same time we are all foolish sinners in need of Christ.

If I have anything to boast in, it is Christ. Above all, I am His and He is mine. The more I actually trust Him, the more I find Him trustworthy. The more I relent myself to His life and words, the more His love invades. And the more that happens, the more I fade and He shines through. His grace truly is astounding in it’s relentless and unconditional love for us. I believe He created us to be mirrors of His relentless and unconditional love for all (Mark 12:28-31).

Drew grew up in Bakersfield, CA surrounded by Godly influences. Even though he was raised in a Christian home it wasn’t until much later that his faith truly became his own. Through many years of searching, dreaming, and wandering Drew finally laid down his desires to Jesus, ultimately allowing Him to guide and direct his path in music, writing, and ministry. Drew currently resides in Amarillo, TX with his wife Melissa, their son Tristan and their newest blessing Liam coming January 2016. Drew has his B.A. in Christian Studies from California Baptist University. He also has a Certificate in Worship Leadership from Mid-America Christian University and he is currently pursuing his M.A. in Christian Ministry from Liberty University.

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