How Jen Hatmaker Interrupted My Life

It all started when I decided to read this crazy book about simplifying your life and getting rid of excess. The concept intrigued me because like most people, I was overwhelmed with clutter and found myself way too busy. I was only a few pages into Jen Hatmaker’s book 7, when God completely wrecked my life. Her concepts and truth were hitting my heart as if it was all brand new information. And sadly, most of it was! I mean, a lot of it I knew… but I didn’t really KNOW. That doesn’t even make sense. But when God grabs your heart like He did mine, it was literally as if I was blind and now I could see.

I stayed up ALL night reading 7. Yes all night, with my iPad lit up, laying in bed. And when my husband rolled over to ask if I was okay, I kinda sorta blurted out the amazingness that God was doing in me! Thankfully my husband is awesome, so he sat up in bed at about 4am and we talked about what God’s church is truly suppose to look like. You see, Jen wrote 7 after she wrote the first edition of Interrupted. She referenced it a lot and I knew I had to get my hands on that next.

I mean, the title in and of itself was exactly what she just did to my cozy, comfy life and ministry.

Jen Hatmaker may have been the one to interrupt my life, but God was the one that completely wrecked it.

Interrupted by Jen HatmakerInterrupted is the story of how Jen and Brandon Hatmaker were awakened to the reality that church is suppose to be much more than serving the saved and blessing the blessed. It is more than programs that meet our needs and a coffee shop in the foyer. Somehow, along the way, we turned church into a consumer-driven model, trying to meet peoples needs instead of focusing our efforts outward to reach the unchurched.

When I read Jen’s revelation, it was as if a light bulb went off. All of my unconscious ministry struggles were all triggered from this concept. We were wasting our time IN the church instead of going outside of our walls and actually being THE CHURCH to our community. This conviction hit me like a ton of bricks.

If we are completely honest with ourselves, the least of these are not going to walk into our fancy churches on a Sunday morning. And even if they did, would we accept them with love and opened arms? The unchurched are steering clear from us, our programs and our hypocrisy. We preach love, but are we as a Church showing love to the broken, the hurting and the lost?

“Our only hope is to follow the example of Jesus and get back out there, winning people over with ridiculous love and a lifestyle that causes them to finally sit up and take notice.” – Jen Hatmaker


This book has launched me and my family into a new way of thinking. This is a new journey for us, re-training our brain from the old mindset – but I can tell you, we are devoted more than ever to an outward focused ministry. Breaking out of our comfort zone is HARD. But that is where God stretches us and grows us the most!

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking” -Richard Rohr

Yes, living on mission and loving others is messy, uncomfortable and awkward – But if Jesus were physically walking this earth today, I can pretty much guess where He would be. And I highly doubt He would be sitting in a church pew, skimming our bulletin for a program that meets His needs.

“If an endless array of Bible studies, programs, church events, and sermons have left you dry, please hear this: living on mission where you’ve been sent will transform your faith journey. At the risk of oversimplifying it, I’ve seen missional culture cure apathy better than any sermon, promote healing quicker than counseling, deepen discipleship more than Bible studies, and create converts more effectively than events.” -Jen Hatmaker


Thank you Jen Hatmaker for sharing your transformation with the world and being the vessel in which God used to wreck my life. Dear Reader, It is my prayer that God will wreck your life as well – In the best way possible, I promise!

The NEW Revised & Expanded Interrupted book is a part of our Blogiversary & “Victory In Christ: A 30 Day Devotional” Book Launch Giveaway! Enter now!

Our Favorite Things Giveaway


Buy Interrupted HERE

Follow Jen Hatmaker’s Blog

Watch Jen and her family on their NEW HGTV show, My Big Family Renovation



Jesus, My Rock in the midst of Ridicule

Wednesday April 9th, 2014

When I woke up this morning to go to work I had no idea what I would be walking into. Almost right after I walked through the doors of our office, I was invited into a meeting that no one had told me would be taking place.

For the next twenty minutes, my Senior Pastor and I listened as a couple told both of us why I was the reason they were leaving the church.

As a Christian who desires to be a light to this world instead of a hindrance to my church family, hearing this hurt my heart a great deal. And though this is painful enough to remember, much less to write about, I wanted to share this experience with the reader. Not to complain or rant. But because this is real life, and that’s what we’re about in encouraging people to Love Uncensored. But more importantly, I wanted to write about this because Jesus is not just THE ROCK we stand upon when times are good. He is our Rock in every circumstance.

For the most part, if I heard the couple right, their issues with me were mostly regarding the way I led our church in worship songs on Sunday morning. Which I won’t lie, I like to get pretty excited about Jesus, so the more traditional Baptists sometimes are offended by me. In their view, I was lacking reverence as I sung to the Lord. Their opinion on this matter did not surprise me. For I have heard this before, and have wrestled with the Lord on the issue. But what did surprise me was how it seemed that because of this, everything else I did was offensive to them. So much so that even as they tried to temper their disdain for me, it overflowed into every bit of their attempts to put their displeasure with me in a nice way.

In all honesty, I believe these two people love God, and they were convinced that what they were saying was right. Two parties having different view points is nothing new. Even among fellow believers. But I am glad they actually came and talked to us instead of not communicating at all. So this is not an attack on their character or an affront to them in any way. They are not the issue. The issue at hand is, now that I have been told what this couple, and some of the elderly in our church think of me, what do I do with that?

As I see it, I have a few options: 1) I could quit or find another worship pastor job. But that never really solves anything. Because no matter what, as followers of Jesus, there will always be people who stand against us. So it only causes a bad habit of running away from problems. 2) I could turn into a people pleaser, and do ministry in the way that will appease the majority of people. OR 3) I could turn to Jesus and seek His grace and leadership.

As you already know, there was only one real option… #3.

After the meeting, I sought the Lord with a few questions that I feel are imperative for every Christian facing accusation or ridicule.

Are they in any way right in their accusation? – This is not a fun question to ask. But if we are serious about growing in Jesus and loving others, then we have to ask this when we are ridiculed or accused. Sadly, I have dealt with this same issue for years. That is, how should Christians worship God? And as I took this to God once more today, I came away with the same resolve that He has given me in times past… I firmly believe that a Christian’s worship of God should be all out abandon of our souls to Him and Him alone. This is true in both our every day lives as well as worship music. And whether I am standing before hundreds of people, or I am alone, I am to worship the Lord with heart, mind, body, and soul. And though some may feel like this is a “performance”, I would ask them to come spend more time with me. What they would find is that I am an imperfect person who lives passionately for God. – So to answer the question, I don’t believe they were right in what they said. It is not so much that I believe they are wrong, but I think they are confusing their personal preference for what is right or wrong. In this case, what they would deem as irreverent, I believe is passionate worship. And for as long as I am a worship leader, I will get excited about Jesus, worshiping Him with all that is within me. For if I don’t then I am not really worshiping God at all. If I stand, stiff as a board, and just let my mouth move monotonously up and down, I would merely be doing a chore for the pleasure of the people, and not pouring my heart out in worship of God for the amazing grace He has given me.
Whether right or wrong, should change occur? – This is such an important question. Because whether right or wrong, if an issue is affecting people, then we as Christians, and especially Christian leaders, would be wise to question whether change would be best. Personally, I think that if our people desire something, especially in a church setting, and it doesn’t dishonor God, then why not make the change. Of course, in this situation I was dealing with a small number of people. My pastor, as well as the majority of our Church would disagree with this couple’s opinion. Plus, I believe that to do what these two would like me to do would in fact, be dishonoring my King. So I could NOT make the change they wanted. But, it was important for me to think through and ask my King about it. Regardless, the humbling position this issue has put me in, has reminded me that I still have a long way to grow. I begged for God’s glorious change within my soul to occur. That is, the change of sanctification. And thankfully, God has graciously promised to continually grow all of His children. And that was a comforting thought to me.
How do I best love my accuser? – The easy thing to do would be to cut off all communication with these people and never speak to them again. And when I see them in a supermarket, to give them the evil eye… or, something more sinister, like just acting as if they don’t exist. But here’s the reality: However much I want to put all the blame on them, I am no better. For I am a fellow partaker of God’s redeeming love. A sinner, saved by God’s boundless grace. Who am I to hold their different view point against them. Or to even feel wronged because I think they have accused me unjustly. Haven’t I done the same to others? … I could hold on to the rage of anger, but it would only get in the way of love’s joy. – So, even though I’m not sure that talking them into having another sit down would be most loving to them, I do believe it is still important that I continue in an attitude of love toward them nonetheless. And this is something I must resolve to do, by the grace of God, or else anger will consume me.
Do I trust Jesus to heal this wound? – A sock in the gut of this magnitude from someone who was a part of my church family hurts. It just does. Whether I am right or wrong in the scenario, pain is inevitable. And Jesus is the only cure. He is my Rock. For when all else shifts in my world, He remains the same. His promises never falter. His love for me remains constant. His Word never ceases to give life, if I will abide in Him. Turning to Him and abiding in all that He has done to love me is the healing solvent to my gapping wound. For as I turn my eyes from me to Him, His grace promising to work all things together for good washes over me. And though the wound still hurts, there is a never ending hope that immediately begins to heal whatever injuries my heart may feel.

I encourage all who are reading this – In all matters of life. Whether good or bad – Turn to Jesus. HE IS OUR ROCK. His way is not only the best way, but He is our Savior. His grace and comfort bring healing when nothing else can.

How To Fix Our Eyes On Jesus In A Busy World

Amidst the insanity of our busy American lives, it is easy to get distracted from what really matters…God.

Our sin nature is like a car that is out of alignment, it will naturally pull left of center (God), unless we keep our hands on the wheel and focus on what truly matters. If we are incapable of finding ways, by the grace of God to keep our hands on the wheel and our focus on Jesus, then our sin nature will pull us off “the path” very quickly and easily.

I think every Christian would say that we desire to glorify God with our lives. After all, this is what He has called us to do (Isaiah 43:6-7). If we are to be honest with ourselves, it sometimes feels impossible to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength as Jesus commands us to do in Mark 12:30.

But let me appeal to our desire to glorify our King of kings. If we let ourselves continually get distracted from spending our lives serving God, then we have taken our eyes off of what truly matters and we are missing out on the greatest joy only found in God.

I am always looking for ways to bolster my focus on God and fight against distractions from Him. So I am going to share one of my favorite weapons I use when I feel myself getting swept up in distractions.

As Christians, we are called to serve in God’s army.

If you don’t believe me, then read Ephesians 6:10-20. But the thought of being a knight in the service of my King has always appealed to me for some reason. For an honorable knight comes before his king, kneeling and pledging his loyalty and life to serve him. Whenever I struggle with feeling distracted, I envision the following scenario:

I walk before the throne of my Lord and King in full warrior’s armor and kneel, for He is worthy of my homage and devotion. I say, “My life is yours, do with it as You will. How may I serve You my King?”

The King of kings speaks, “My beloved, you have fought bravely by the grace of my power. Always look to me for strength and you will glorify Me as I have called you to. Now I ask you to accompany me on another mission for My glory and the joy of all mankind…[insert specific mission here]”

“It is my joy to serve you my King. Where you go I will follow. For Your glory and the joy of all mankind.”

This is the call of our lives as Christians. Whether we have the label of “pastor”, teacher, coach, construction worker, doctor, … etc. it matters not. Every Christian is called to serve our King with every fiber of our being, in everything that we do. So let us seek for ways to remember what truly matters in life especially when we are distracted.

Jesus once walked out on the water to meet the disciples. When He had walked to the boat the disciples were riding in, He asked Peter to get out of the boat and walk out on the water and meet Him. Peter did as Jesus told him and he began walking on the water. Everything was going perfect, until Peter took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm (Matthew 22-32). For when Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he sunk into the sea. We are no different than Peter.

When we take our eyes off Jesus, we lose track of our purpose. This is when the waves of life eat us alive.

So let me encourage us, that no matter what, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus. Let us do whatever we have to do to make this happen in our lives. His is the answer to our heart’s desire for love, joy, peace… etc. He and only He, can give us fullness of life. You don’t have to use the same tools that I do, to stay focused on Jesus. But the important thing is, you do whatever you have to to seek His grace continually so that He would allow you to fix your eyes on Him in this life.

Lord, come and rule our lives and help us in our pledge to give our lives to you daily! We pray this for Your glory and the joy of all mankind. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

5 Reasons This Pastor’s Wife Got A Tattoo

5 Reasons This Pastor’s Wife Got A Tattoo


A few months ago, I did something a little out of character. Or was it?

I got a tattoo!

First, let me explain…God has been doing a great work in me recently, helping me overcome insecurities and fears that have been holding me back for years. These fears were crippling me and I was unable to truly serve God or embrace His calling for my life. I am thankful that God has been unleashing the shackles that I allowed Satan to use, filling me with lies and chaining me down. Today, I am free from that bondage and am so thankful that God opened my eyes and was so gracious enough to pour His amazing grace into my life.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” – Hebrews 6:19

Have you ever looked over a verse you have seen more times than you can count, and all of a sudden God lifts the veil and it’s like you are seeing it clearly for the first time? That was how it felt when I read this passage recently. My broken, grief-filled past had shaped me into who I am today – the good, the bad and the ugly. Thankfully because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice, God can use our messy past and He restores, redeems and loves us unconditionally! After God opened my eyes to what Hebrews 6:19 was really saying, I realized that through all of life’s ups and downs God was there. He is the anchor for my soul, holding me secure to the hope that only He can give.

So, yes I am a pastor’s wife with a huge tattoo on my forearm. I wear God’s grace on my sleeve as a visual reminder, not only me, but so I can share my story and tell people of the eternal hope that is only found in Jesus.

Jesus is My Eternal Hope, the Anchor of My Soul ©

Here are the 5 Reasons This Pastor’s Wife Got A Tattoo…

1. Being bold

My tattoo encourages me to tell people about Jesus and share my testimony. So often I would hide my light, ashamed of what people would think of me. Sometimes I still care, but I am working on it. Getting a tattoo that I could cover up easily seemed like I was hiding something. I want the whole world to know I love Jesus. More than caring what people think, I care that they would hear the truth of God’s redeeming love.

2. Keeps me accountable

I literally have the name of Jesus on my arm so l must always be aware of my actions and reflect Christ in all I do. There used to be days when I’d think, “I’m not in my hometown – no ones knows me here …” it was like a break from the pressure of living up to the standards that Christ wants us to live. Um, No. There are not breaks, we must ALWAYS live for Christ.

3. Fearless

I can’t even explain how I had to face my fears head on. My tattoo has helped me conquer the insecurities I had of caring what people think. It is a great reminder that I need to please God alone and focus on Him.

4. Breaking stereotypes

So many people, even myself, have judged a book by its cover. I have talked to so many people that have felt judged in the past or didn’t feel accepted in church because they have visible tattoos, dyed hair or piercings. And now that I’m a Jesus lovin’, tattooed momma, I may be able to play a part in breaking down these stereotypical walls. And just maybe, if someone sees that the pastor’s wife has a tattoo, they may feel more accepted and worry less about what other people may be thinking.

5. More relatable

Most people believe Christians have to be cookie-cutter do-gooders who live by a list of rules. That is just sad and so very far from the truth! It’s my prayer that people would see that Christians are more relatable than they think. It may even break their stereotype of what they believe about Christianity and hopefully they will see the amazing grace that Jesus gives us.


I know I said I would stop at 5 but I have one more reason why I got my tattoo. Because I like it! I am a creative, artsy type. l am aways doodling and I love how a person can show their personality through their art, clothes and style. God created us all unique for a reason. He wants you to be you! I encourage you to embrace it and use your quirks, talents and dreams to live for Christ!


Ultimately this tattoo is a visual reminder for me. When I am going through hard times I can look at my arm and instantly be reminded of God’s truth.

Jesus is My Eternal Hope, the Anchor of My Soul.

After I got my tattoo, my husband and I sat down and wrote our first song together.
It has become our anthem and we are so excited to share it with y’all.

[Read my contributing article for Unveiled Wife: Anchor of My Soul]

Stop Allowing Comparison to Kill Your Creativity

Way back when…okay, yesterday, I was searching on Pinterest and looking at my favorite bloggers. I’m always so intrigued by their unique styling, marketing and writing. But it amazes me that so quickly my fun search can spiral into a pity party of comparison.

You could never create a blog like that. You could never be that creative. Her life must be perfect. She has it all together. You can’t do it!

The voice inside my head is not very encouraging as you can tell. It’s a battle. Every day.

For the longest time, I wouldn’t even write because of fear. Now, I let comparison kill my creativity. I know God created us all unique so why do I feel so much pressure to live up to the standards of other bloggers?

Have you ever been there? Have you seen a blogger take your same idea, twist it slightly and now you think there is no point on writing about that topic since it’s already been covered.

So how do we stop this vicious cycle?

We must ask a simple question: Are we blogging to glorify God or our self?

When we are focused on self, everything becomes discouraging and impossible.

But when we focus on God, He empowers us and uses us in all our weakness to glorify Him.

God has given me a desire to write. And If I truly believe God is inspiring my writing, than I have to let Him speak through me. I have to focus on Him and stop allowing comparison to cripple what God is calling me to do. Sharing our creativity is very vulnerable and it takes extreme courage. There is no room for comparison. It only breeds insecurity and will hold you back from who God has called you to be.

Satan can easily get in our minds when we are having an off day and fill us with our own ego and selfish desires. We have to realize that Satan hates what God is doing through our God-honoring blogs. And we must be ready for Satan’s attacks.

When I stop listening to Satan’s lies that I know want to destroy me, and Instead focus on God’s amazing promises that I can trust in to encourage me – a funny thing happens. I no longer see the comparison as a competition.

We are all fighting together to glorify God and

we need to support one another and build each other up.

Overcoming the Stigma of Being the Pastor’s Wife

When I first married my husband he was in ministry. I loved his passion for the Lord and how dedicated he was to serving our King. Before we got married he actually asked me,

“Are You Sure You Want To Live An Adventurous Life Going Anywhere God Calls Us?”

In my love-drunk stupor I couldn’t proclaim “YES” fast enough. But once we were two years into ministry I was rethinking that question a little bit.

I was naïve. I was a fairly new Christian at the time, on fire for the Lord. I didn’t grow up in the church like my husband, who seemed to know something I didn’t. I thought ministry was all daisies and roses. I mean, I love Jesus, I love going to church so why wouldn’t I love ministry?

I never thought about the stigma of being the Pastor’s wife until I was in her shoes.
Continue reading at the Unveiled Wife where I am sharing today about the struggles I have faced as a Pastor’s wife. It’s my prayer that it helps you see the importance of keeping our focus on God and pleasing only Him.


We are the Light: Part 1

If Jesus were physically among us, roaming the streets today where do you think we’d find him?

Would He be in a church building? Would He hang out with His disciples all day?

No, He would be with the lost, the broken and the hurting. Jesus would be going to the dark places to shine His light and spread the hope of the gospel. Jesus would care for and love on the poor, the sinners, the orphans and the widows.

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

In Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus called us to go and spread a passion for Him and tell people about the hope that only He can give. We are the light to this dark world. Yet most of the time we spend our time in church among other believers. I’m not saying that isn’t important for growth and fellowship but are we also going into the darkness?

I have been convicted of this lately. Am I being Christ to those around me? Am I loving and caring for the people and community that do not know Jesus? In all honesty, no. My schedule centers me around the church and we end up gathering all the “light” in one place.

We must be intentional about shining our light for Christ in the dark because in reality, they aren’t going to come to us.

We must go to them.

be brave,liss

Joy in Memorizing Large Portions of Scripture

I was recently asked the best way to memorize long portions of scripture. It was a delight to answer her question. And since this is truly one of the most joy increasing acts we could do, I wanted to share my response. To simplify my meaning, I have written it out in steps. This, in my belief, is the best way to meditate on, and memorize long portions of scripture:

Steps 1-3 are really meant to prepare us SPIRITUALLY & PSYCHOLOGICALLY. ***these 3 are most important***


IMPORTANT INTRODUCTORY NOTE: The lack of a great enough motive causes a failure to be capable of pushing through when memorizing gets difficult. This in my opinion is the greatest hindrance in memorizing scripture. This is also why it is imperative to know the great reward of memorizing scripture.


1. Most importantly, before memorizing scripture, remember why you are memorizing it in the first place. Here are a few reasons why… Romans 10:17 says that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”. This word “hearing” is not just referring to what we do with our ears. It’s implied meaning is much deeper than that. It is hearing with our hearts. It implies that we truly understand something and really ‘get it’. So by “hearing” the Word we build faith. Since faith is the agent God uses to bring about all spiritual growth, then it is infinitely important that we grow in understanding the Word. Also, John 15:1-11 makes it clear that to have an “abiding” relationship with God we must have the His Word IN us. This passage also affirms that if the Word is ‘in’ us then it will have a great affect on the power of our prayer life. This also affirms our need of the Holy Spirit to help us internalize His Word. We must constantly partner prayer with meditation along with memorization of God’s Word. Jesus also says in this same passage (John 15:1-11) that abiding in Him is what gives us fullness of joy. – – So to sum up, meditating on, and memorizing the Word allows for us to know Him and His purposes more, thereby allowing us to grow in faith, adding power to our prayer life, and growing in joy. This in turn makes us greater disciples and disciple makers of our Lord Jesus… In reality, we gain much more than the things I have just mentioned by meditating and memorizing scripture, but I don’t want you to have to read a book. So I only mention these three or four and then will have to write about the others in a book someday. But these are some of the main motives that pump me up to dive as deep as the Lord will let me into His Word.


2. With the previous motive in mind, our greatest gain comes from praying through and meditating on the scripture we are memorizing, until we have rung it for every ounce of life-giving truth God will allow us to find through it. This does take time, and it is work. But once we “taste and see” the JOY of knowing our Lord more and more, knowing His desires, His ways, how we can please Him, how He loves us, and more… this becomes our obsession. It is the greatest addiction we will ever have. This is actually what our souls were made to do = to find ever increasing treasures of joy through knowing our King ever more!


3. It is these last last two points (motive & deeper motive) that are the greatest help for me in memorizing long passages of scripture. I find that as long as I have the proper motivation to memorize scripture, there is no text too long. Because knowing that the greatest treasures and joys are found when I am able to dive deeper into scripture is greatly motivating. That is, diving deeper in my relationship with my King from having scripture so easily accessible (in my head). This gives me great fuel for the journey through His Word.


Steps 4 to the end deal with LOGISTICS (how I go about memorizing) and some SPIRITUAL aspect for your continual consideration.


4. When I have a long scripture to memorize – say, Romans chapter 8, which is 39 verses. What I do is, I first go out and buy some index cards. Then I transcribe the whole text onto multiple index cards. I have found that the best way to set this up is to write normally (not too small so as to fit more on the card), but if anything write bigger. Write on each card only what will fit on one side. Most of the time one side will hold somewhere between 3 to 6 verses. This would mean that for a chapter like Romans 8, you would need between 7-13 index cards. Once you have the scripture on the cards, start with verse 1 and begin memorizing.


5. When I am memorizing scripture, I take my time, because the whole process is so wonderful if we will take it all in. The whole time I enjoy anticipating the deeper understanding God will graciously give me as I pray through His Word. I mean, it’s so exciting to think of diving deeper into the glory of God, thereby experiencing that much more joy today!!! – So I always begin in prayer asking God to open my eyes that I may see what He wants me to see in His Word.


6. Then I begin to methodically memorize, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I read through one whole notecard first, slowly (as stated before, this should be 3 to 6 verses). Then I read through the notecard again. Every time I read through it, I focus on the words, asking God to help me think, using all the brain power He gives me to understand what He is saying through the scriptures. Every time a new understanding, depth of the text, conviction, or a new idea of how to apply the truth learned jumps out at me, I know it is the Spirit taking me deeper into His love and joy. This is why the process is so amazing!!! I read the note card over and over and over again. I stop and contemplate those portions that are hardest to understand. Then, the more I familiarize myself with the text and it’s meaning, the more the memorization of it becomes easy. – Remember, meditation and prayer is the goal, not memorization. Memorization is secondary. Memorization is only a tool that allows us to have scripture readily accessible in our minds for more prayer, meditation, and use of truth in application to our lives. – And all this for the glory of our King.


7. I usually only focus on one notecard a day. But I usually spend a good hour or so on each notecard, maybe more if it is a specifically rich text. Or, if the Holy Spirit blesses me with a supernatural touch by His grace upon my soul. Sometimes I don’t get past the first line. That is, if God moves my heart to a spontaneous worship session, or drives me to overwhelming, joyful tears over a new depth of Grace understood… in which I would be on my face pouring prayers of thanksgiving and reflection out to Him. All this to say that the amount of time spent each day on any given notecard should be up to the Holy Spirit, and should not be predicated on how long it takes you to memorize the passage.


It is important to note that the best “brain hours” of the day should be spent on meditating on and memorizing scripture. That is, our best brain hours should be spent contemplating truth and asking the Holy Spirit to infuse it into our hearts. Our lives must be “on purpose” in this way (and every way for that matter). – If somehow, I still don’t have the contents of the notecard memorized after spending ample time meditating on a passage, then I finish memorizing it by reading a sentence, then looking away from the card and restating it from memory. Once I have the first sentence memorized, then I add the next sentence… and so on, and so forth. The initial stages of familiarizing myself with the card, should make the final stages of solidly memorizing it much easier. This is why I just stay with the “memorize a sentence then add a sentence” routine. (WARNING: If you are only trying to memorize the text as quickly as possible, then my method is not for you.)


8. (Day after you memorized the first card) The following day I pick up the second card and begin the process over again. Every day I make sure to restate the scripture I learned the day before. For the first couple days I usually have to relearn some of the previous material. But after a week at the most or relearning material, I have the previous scriptures imbedded pretty well into my brain. This point, above the others should show you of the almost below average intelligence that I have. For most people, they will be able to memorize a text much faster than I. But, nonetheless, intelligence is not as important as resolve (which comes through motive) in meditating and memorizing scripture.


9. After you have each of the notecards memorized (might take a few weeks), then practice saying them in order while praying through it. Whats amazing about this is that it gives more context to the entire scripture passage. This broadens what God will show our hearts through it. I would honestly say that I have an average memory, at best. And I was able to memorize Romans 8 in under a month. The point to telling you that is only that if you have the proper motive, then memorizing long portions of scripture should NOT be too difficult.


Well folks, I know this was thick. But if you were brave enough to wade through it then I pray that this will be a great encouragement to you in memorizing more scripture and knowing our God more fully!!!